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The Bubble Nebula, The Lobster Claw Nebula and The M52 Cluster, Terry Hancock

The Bubble Nebula, The Lobster Claw Nebula and The M52 Cluster

The Bubble Nebula, The Lobster Claw Nebula and The M52 Cluster, Terry Hancock

The Bubble Nebula, The Lobster Claw Nebula and The M52 Cluster


So much happening in this region with the M52 Cluster, The Bubble Nebula NGC7635, the emission and reflection nebula NGC7538 and Sharpless 157 or otherwise known as The Lobster Claw Nebula.

This 4 degree x 2.65 degree image was captured during September of 2014 from my backyard observatory in Fremont Michigan and viewed here in Color using RGB + H-Alpha filters and processed with RGB and H-Alpha as luminance. The Hubble Palette version is using data from the color version for the naturally colored stars. In both cases I used data from a capture last year using my 12 inch Ritchey-Chrétien astrograph for the Bubble Nebula.

The equipment I use is the QHY11S Mono CCD and a Takahashi E180 Astrograph.

Total Integration Time 214 Minutes (not including the 26 hours from my old data)

Here is the data I used for the Bubble Nebula only (Color and Hubble Palette)

Hubble Palette Data

RGB Data

and a previous Wide Field Shoot of mine



The Bubble Nebula, The Lobster Claw Nebula and The M52 Cluster, Terry Hancock